I want to introduce philosophical book but this book are very important for every student who study at this filed.
I don’t know whether you have already seen or read some philosophical word you don't understand the mean of that word?
Do you know in that case what kind of books you need?
Yes, I want to introduce philosophical dictionary book.
This book help us to understand many words the philosophers used in their word and text and they help us to bring into clear view. But whose clear view?
This book that is very important and very general and mainly is The Oxford Companion to Philosophy that was edited by Ted Honderich.
This book includes about 2300 pages in that pages explain many words with easy and intelligible sentences and words.
This book cannot include all of the histories of philosophy in other languages than English, but they tried to do it.
We can see in some paragraph of introduction in this book:
The brave, large aim of this book is to bring philosophy together between two covers better than ever before. That is not a job for one man, or one woman, or a few, or a team, although it is tried often enough. So 249 of us have joined forces.
In the ending of explanation of word, this book suggests you if you want to know more to see some book in that book there is more information about that word.
But I think that the word in this book was explained enough because some time some words was explained about 10 pages.
Although I believe that we need it very much and suggest you to have at least the Pdf of this book in your computer because it is free and you can take me.
Everyone can download it and other book in this site.
Apple and Eva
13 years ago